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Ahoy there, matey. Rexii, here.

Tis been a minute.

and i've gone through a number of hairstyles! lol

plus all the ups and downs that distract in life, blogging has been back burnered.

SOOOOOOOOO, While I take care of life in the real world(AKA: FUNKING AROUND WITH TRULIO DISGRACISAS AND performing at shows like #BootyPopQueen's new installment: TRAP QUEEN, tryna make a dolla holla), you can watch my life in the digital one!

#BluntTalkWithTeeRex is taking it's mid season break while we finish up the year. Click the link above to binge watch all 6 episodes in preparation for the new episodes in the new year! will 2018 finally be the year that @TeeRex4020 will break the internet and cure her prehistoric pop star mania?! click the link and find out...only on youtube! xoxo, Rexii

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